Buffer Overrun

Wednesday, July 26, 2006
_The Job Search Ends

I'm in a good mood and I've got money in my pocket. :-)

I had two interviews today, and two job offers. I took one of them, the one with the decathlon-like application/interview process. It was kind of surreal, actually. The guy called me in to do a face-to-face interview, and he started talking about the work that they do, then he goes, "Can you start tomorrow?" And I'm all in my head going, "HUH??" Then I go, "Well, I've already got stuff going on this week, but I can start Tuesday." Then he goes, "Then Tuesday it is."

So I'll be working at unnamed software start-up starting Tuesday, doing some kind of web or PHP development. It's kind of exciting, actually, because the projects usually last 4-8 weeks, but they're all big contracts with big companies.

So there you have it. It's been about 10 weeks since I started looking, and I estimated 6-8 weeks to get an offer. Not too bad, if I do say so.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006
_The Job Search Continues, Part 3

More interviews, no offers. There's one part-time that I wish would be full-time, and there's one full-time that has a seemingly decathlon-like application/interview process.

In other news, today marks exactly one year to the day since I started my pastry chef job at the coffee shop.

UPDATE: 2006 July 25 14:25: I was worried about my skills test results for one company (the one with the decathlon-like process). Turns out, the most oft-missed question was one that I answered spot on. So really I worried for nothing. They want coders. I am a coder. I write code. Coding is what I do. So after a second phone interview, we've scheduled a face-to-face interview for tomorrow. If all goes well and they offer me a job, I will probably take it.