Wednesday, July 26, 2006
_The Job Search EndsI'm in a good mood and I've got money in my pocket. :-) I had two interviews today, and two job offers. I took one of them, the one with the decathlon-like application/interview process. It was kind of surreal, actually. The guy called me in to do a face-to-face interview, and he started talking about the work that they do, then he goes, "Can you start tomorrow?" And I'm all in my head going, "HUH??" Then I go, "Well, I've already got stuff going on this week, but I can start Tuesday." Then he goes, "Then Tuesday it is." So I'll be working at unnamed software start-up starting Tuesday, doing some kind of web or PHP development. It's kind of exciting, actually, because the projects usually last 4-8 weeks, but they're all big contracts with big companies. So there you have it. It's been about 10 weeks since I started looking, and I estimated 6-8 weeks to get an offer. Not too bad, if I do say so.
Congrats! Back to the desk job ... and the meetings ... and the managers ... and the deadlines ... and I can't forget the most important thing .... the regular (good) paycheck! Way to go, hope you have fun, and I look forward to hearing how you like working for a startup. Thanks! :-) The great thing about unnamed software start-up is that everyone's either really really technical or pretty darn technical, including the secretary/sales/marketing girl. So I won't see the non-technical-manager problem or the stupid-executive dilemma. And all the technical people there are coders. They write code. Coding is what they do. I'm really excited about getting back into that environment. then that means, deep down inside we all hate testing. b/c the developers at 'unnamed tech company' shivers at the term test. << Home |
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