Wednesday, February 14, 2007
_Valentine's Day (Reprise)

Today is Valentine's Day.

What is Valentine's Day anyway? Some say the modern incarnation was a marketing ploy by greeting card companies. Some link the holiday to pagan fertility festivals. Others trace the tradition all the way back to Ancient times, and all through the rise of the Catholic Church.

I personally believe it was created as a way to make all the single folk feel bad about being single.

But this year is different.

As a matter of fact, I have a hot date. And this year, it's not with a kitchen. This year, I have my lovely fiancée to keep me company. It's been a whole year since she was my soux chef at the coffee shop. In some ways it seems like it's been forever, and in other ways it seems just like yesterday.

On some level, you could probably say that I got shot in the bum with an arrow last year. It just took a little while for The Stuff to kick in. Not that I'm complaining.