Thursday, February 16, 2006
_Ranting and Venting

I just need to let some steam out.

  1. My brand-spanking-new convection oven broke again. This is strike three. If it requires some huge part to be replaced, I'm going to demand we get a different one. And if I could drop kick it without seriously injuring myself, I would.

  2. After Tuesday night, everything was out of place and disorganized. I spent a good amount of time today picking up the pieces.

  3. And someone threw out my hot chocolate. I drank half of it, put it down to do stuff, then I turned around and it was gone. You can take my hat, and you can take my apron, but you don't mess with my hot chocolate.

Actually, I think I'm most upset about the hot chocolate.

I feel a little better now. Back to making muffins 6 at a time.... <sigh/>


I'll make you another one. LOL ;)

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