Tuesday, January 30, 2007
_Ahh, Code...

I've written so much code in the last 3 months that it's quite astounding, looking back. Between my regular job and my night job (independent contractor for my fiancee's web design firm), I pretty much spend every waking hour either coding or eating, sometimes eating code. I just hope I'm not getting carpel tunnel syndrome. I have a wrist support glove that has a built-in wrist pad, and that helps a lot, but I can feel a little tension in the tendons in the back of my hand, probably from typing. And I have a little nub on the side of my wrist where my hand rests on the desk, probably from using the mouse.

Sure beats chopping fingertips off though....


As much as I'm on the computer I'm surprised I don't have the problem. I try to be very sensitive of it, and if I'm starting to feel something not right I make sure to stretch more than normal. I often have issues in my elbows from leaning on them too much while typing.

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