Buffer Overrun

Tuesday, January 24, 2006
_Blog Blog!

Is that kinda like, "Bork Bork"? I guess if Swedish Chef can say "Bork Bork", then Norwegian Chef can say "Blog Blog", though it doesn't roll off the tongue quite as well.

Some of you have expressed concern that I haven't blogged in a while. Well, get over it. :-P

No, really. A lot has been going on lately, I've been working a lot of overtime, and I think my cat hates me because I'm never home, and when I am home, I can't scratch her head because I'm sleeping or eating.

Ever wonder why cats like their heads scratched or necks rubbed? It reminds them of when they were mere kittens, when momma-cat would bathe them, licking them on their heads, or when momma-cat would carry them around by grabbing them by the scruff of the neck.

My neck kinda hurts. I think it's just the position I'm in, laying down as I type.

Did you know that the QWERTY keyboard was designed to slow typists down? Originally, manual typewriters had a problem of the hammers colliding if a typist typed too fast. Also, it's laid out such that letters in words are supposed to alternate hands. It almost never works out that way. They say using the Dvorak keyboard can increase typing speed by 3 times or more.

I'm really enjoying listening to Antonin Dvorak's Symphony No. 9, "From the New World". It embodies all of the drama and emotion associated with the Romantic Era of music. I was quite pleased to have caught a performance of it on "Live from Lincoln Center" on PBS one time.

Time for bed. Mmm, bacon!

Monday, January 09, 2006
_Dream Recurrence

I keep having this recurring dream. Slightly different this time, but basically the same as the others.

Last week, I had this dream that I was entered in a cooking competition. It was about a dozen teams competing in teams of two. We were whisked away (pun intended) to a very large, secluded lodge in the middle of the woods on the side of a mountain. In the Great Room of the lodge was set up about a dozen island countertops, each with its own cooktop and prep area. Each team was assigned an island.

The entirety of the dream consisted of the moments leading up to the beginning of the competition. We were all held in a slightly smaller Great Room adjacent the competition room, and we had a chance to kind of get to know each other before doing battle. Most of the chefs were about my age, and a handful were older, but not by much. All were men. All were seasoned veterans, experienced chefs. Except me. I specifically remember there being at least one Italian chef present wearing a green-white-red chef hat. One of the competitors was one of my old roommates, who is now a chef Downtown.

I remember feeling very small in my relative inexperience. I always felt as if I was physically looking up to talk to the other chefs.

I know I have insecurities in this area. This is a totally new beast for me to conquer. Maybe it's just my subconcious reminding me of this, trying to keep my ego in check. If that's the case, it sure is working.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Doot dooo d'doo doo!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006
_Yeah, Baby!

gzzz dooka sss tack ka dooo ka sss tack taka dooka sss tack ka dooo ka sss tack taka doom!