Sunday, November 20, 2005

As I type, I am quite possibly the happiest useless engineer at unnamed technology company.

Last week, a flurry of annoucements (preceeded by a mere few days of rumours) came down the pipe from the big-wigs over at Division Headquarters. So essentially, the team I've worked with for the last two years, totalling a few hundered developers and testers, both client- and server-side, has been torn in two, and the pieces scattered to the wind. Well, not quite. One piece went over to a subsidiary to do more product development (which, in a way, started with my local department 2.5 years ago), and the other piece absorbed into its parent product family.

At my local site, three sibling departments (two development, one test) were basically ripped into two pieces each, and the resulting bits mixed and matched into the two aforementioned groups. My manager held a department meeting with the pre-re-org department, outlining our post-re-org assignments. Interestingly, my name was conspicuously not with the others. But to make the paperwork easier for my departure, I stay with my pre-re-org manager until I'm gone for good.

So now, for the next six weeks, I'm just collecting paychecks until 31 December 2005. It's kinda fun being a short-timer. Incidentally, I finally got my salary information for the coffee shop. I'll start out making a third of my unnamed technology company salary, with an expected raise as soon as business proposals are finalized with potential investors. Incidentally, we are going forward with plans to expand into a second coffee shop in the neighbouring town, and to subsequently expand bakery operations. I'll be heavily involved with setting up a new, bigger kitchen.

This week, I'm on vacation, 100%. I'm not going to either of my jobs at all until week from tomorrow. I'm going to try to spend some time on the beach this week, and spend the afternoon at kite club today, and visit my family, and watch some college football.


You are more than welcome to stay with us if you need to.

Woo hoo College football!

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