Friday, April 01, 2005
_Slight Change of Plan

So I did a lot of thinking last night... A LOT of thinking. I decided that I really can't stand my job anymore, so I'm putting in my 2-weeks notice today, selling everything I own except for a week's worth of winter clothes, and I'm moving to Norway to become a commercial fisherman in the North Sea.

Part of the decision came from the conclusion that as long as I'm anywhere near technology, I'll be unhappy. So the best place to be would be at sea. The Merchant Marine these days sail on ships bristling with the latest technology, so I'll probably be called on to reboot the ship's servers every now and then, and I don't think I could handle that. Norwegian fisherman, on the other hand, use only sonar and maybe GPS. The other part is that I'd be able to get as much fresh fish as I want straight off the boat. Mmm... Norwegian salmon... mmm... kipper....

Farewell, friends. Farwell, America. It was nice knowing you all. Be sure to write! Or just come visit me when I'm not at sea.



You had me going for a second, until I realized the post date on this. Way to use fact (job hatred) to promote your lies! Liar!

Heh, that's kinda the point. ;-)

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