Monday, December 13, 2004
_Quandary, Predicament, etc.

I think I'm rethinking graduate school. Over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, my morale went up a bit, then as soon as I got back to work, it went back to zero, and I think is pushing negative now.

So the question now is: do I want to stay, endure another year and go to graduate school part-time; or do I want to just up and go? The turn-over rate here is starting to rise. It seems I have some serious soul-searching to do....


From a friend who is suffereing through grad school right now let me say, make sure you're sure. Its a lot of work. Of course if you don't have to work full time it would be better; if you can get your company to pay for it as well then it's best!

let's start a company! we'll call it mbi... simple repairing and consulting computers to small businesses. we'll be "off demand"... and "on request".

you seem like the grad school type. get a phd and we can call you prof. hui!! rob's idea aint bad either.

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