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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
_Pi + e = Pie!

Mmm... Pie...! Today is Pi Day, for all you math nerds out there. You know, π, the irrational number, 3.141592654…. Some people will even go so far as to celebrate it at 1:59 today (3/14 1:59 ... 3.14159). I'm not that big of a nerd. But I am excited about another thing.

I'm getting married in 2.5 weeks. In exactly 3 weeks from right now, I will be lounging on a Mexican beach with my new wife, sipping margaritas and Mexican martinis, enjoying the soft sea breeze and gentle white noise of the surf.

Where are you going? We'll be near Cancun, right on the water. We got this sweet package deal through our travel agent, and she managed to wrangle for us an ocean-front room. Literally, we open the door and there's the ocean. How cool is that? The package is all-inclusive, so basically we show up at the airport, then show up at the hotel, and just relax.

How long are you gone? We're there for 4 nights.

Can I go? You can go, as long as you're not there at the same time we are. ;-)