Thursday, March 16, 2006

I think I'm becoming an extrovert.

Being a manger in the food service industry is very socially demanding. It requires selling products, interfacing with customers and suppliers, handling people, dealing with problems, confrontation. All of these I used to shy away from -- nay, actively avoid. But I don't mind them so much anymore. I also seem to be a tad more vocal, a little bolder, a bit more je ne sais pas. Confident? Assertive? No... what's the word...?

I'm considering attending the Culinary Institute of America, and eventually opening my own bakeshop. The CIA offers bachelors' degrees in baking and bakeshop management. But there are two problems with this idea: 1) it costs $19,000US per year for 3 years, and 2) it's in New York. I'd much rather go to the California campus so I could learn how to surf in my (copious) free time, and I don't deal well with extended periods of cold. As far as money goes, with my current income level (negligible) and my skillset, I should be able to get grants and loans and scholarships.

I'm also trying out this MacOS X Dashboard widget, called DashBlog. It allows me to post to my blog(s) from the Dashboard of my Apple PowerBook G4. I hope it works like I expect it to....

UPDATE: 16 March 2006 23:38: On second thought, I'm not sure I like DashBlog very much. I'll give it another try later.

UPDATE: 16 March 2006 23:40: On third thought, I think it's Blogger having issues. I'll definitely try DashBlog again later. It just seems really convenient.