Sunday, February 26, 2006
_Officer of the Watch

"Lieutenant, you have the conn."
"I have the conn, aye."

"Sonar contact, port bow, range 2000 meters, closing. Enemy submarine."
Oh, crap. "Ensign, send for the Captain."
"Captain is incapacitated, sir."
"Fish in the water!"
"Where's the XO?!"
"Also incapacitated, sir."

Gaaaa!! "Helm, come left, 30 degrees, all ahead full! Launch countermeasures! Sound collision! Brace for impact!"
"It missed, sir!"

"Radar contact, starboard bow, 5000 meters, closing. Enemy destroyer."
Great, what else? "Helm, come right, 20 degrees, all ahead full. Forward battery, put a shot across their bow. Ready torpedoes."
"Forward battery has a firing solution."
"Fire at will."
"Contact is moving away, sir."

"What just happened here, Lieutenant?"
"It's under control now, sir. Enemy dropped in to say, 'Hi'."
"Very good, Lieutenant. Carry on."
"Aye, sir. Thank you, sir. Captain has the conn."


It's an allegory, as usual. :-P

Doesn't seem like I sleep much, but I usually end up getting between 6 and 9 hours a night. That was posted Saturday night. I got home around midnight, but still had to eat. So by the time I got into bed, it was around 1am.

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