Tuesday, November 22, 2005
_ChangesIn talking about recent news with different friends from all my different disjoint circles, some common themes seem to have surfaced. Everyone has noticed the change in my attitude since sealing my fate last week. People say I seem happier, or lighter. As I step back and look at myself from their eyes, I can see it too. And stepping back in and looking at myself from... well, myself... I can feel it. The old saying, "Can't see the forest for the trees," seems to hold true, just as it has for so long. Looking at the forest now, I don't think I had fully realized how heavy unnamed technology company hung on me. People also like to point out to me how everything seems to be falling right into place. The only thing I can say to them is that this is all part of the Big Guy's Bigger Plan, of which I am a willing and obedient participant. The Plan is perfect, while I am not. Anyway, I'm desparately trying to get out of town right now. I still need to pack my bags. In about half an hour, I should be on the road headed toward the beach with a carload of kite gear and a digital camera. I'll try to come back online later tonight with pictures and a report. |
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