Thursday, September 29, 2005
_Blog Week

This must be Blog Week. I don't normally post everyday. But I'm waiting for things to happen (stupid servers), so I'm going to waste some time blogging.

At this very moment, I'm forcefully resisting the urge to tell this guy, "Tell it to someone who cares!" He just asked me to look at this bug again after discussing it with some other people, and they've decided it's going to prevent the product from shipping. We were slated to ship tomorrow. Probably won't happen unless A) a miracle happens, B) I stay up all night working on it (yeah, right!), or C) they decide it's not that important. Unfortunately, a prospective customer has already run into the problem (!) so it's likely they'll only buy if it's fixed.

OK, so say I fix it in the next 2 hours. What happens? We ship tomorrow, upper management's happy, the customer's happy and they fork over truckloads of money, and I continue to sit in my chair just like every other day like nothing happened. Standard operating procedure. You can guess why I have absolutely no motivation whatsoever to work on this.

So say I don't fix it by the end of tomorrow. All weekend I'll have people breathing down my neck, asking for status reports every 10 minutes, and I'll be even more likely to go postal. Then come Monday morning, more status reports, more micromanagement, people thrown at me to help me fix this stupid bug. Either these guys need to just go away and leave me alone, or I need to get out of here.

What about culinary school? Well, currently there's some debate as to whether that would happen soon. I'm hearing rumblings in the coffee shop of possible full-time opportunities. So do I want to go full-time at the coffee shop, while going on sabbatical from engineering, and delay culinary school for a bit? I could just as well self-study some of the textbooks to get ahead -- that's worked really well for me so far. Or stick around and save up some more money, then plan for school in January/February?

Gaaa! *#($%&Q server, piece of #(@% @#(*%ing slow $*@ network @(*#$!!!! I get way more than 240Kbps upstream at home, dang it!! Suddenly, Fatboy Slim's Weapon of Choice is playing in my head. That's some great music there.


UPDATE: 30 Sept 2005 11:09: Here's a good one. I stayed till 9pm last night working on that &$%*ing bug. I come in this morning to find out we're not shipping a fix for that today. It's a good thing the people who decided that are not within 100m of me right now.