Wednesday, September 28, 2005
_Are You Burnt Out?

I came across an article about Job Burnout the other day. It was published June/2004, but obviously still holds relevance over a year later. The article discusses what job burnout is, what causes it, how to identify the warning signs, and how to remedy the situation. It's a very informative article.

The article includes a simple test to determine your burnout level, but unfortunately you have to keep track of your score manually. So I took the liberty of creating an online version of the test to make it easy for you. Take the test and see how you fare.

For each of the questions below, rate your answer from 1 to 5, with 1 being "Rarely True", and 5 being "Usually True". Be honest with your answers, and if you have multiple jobs (like I do), focus on the one that is most likely to be burning you out.

In case you're wondering, I scored a 105, which means I'm pretty well burnt out at my engineering job. Of the 6 warning signs, I've hit 5 of them.