Buffer Overrun

Tuesday, June 28, 2005
_Forever and a Day

Seems like such a long time since I last posted. It's only been 12 days. That's a lot better than my personal journal. I think I had a gap of two years in there once. So now that I have a break from the drudgeries of work, I thought I'd drop some random stuff in here.

I'm looking forward to taking vacation all next week. I'm not planning on going anywhere until late in the week, at which time I will be flying to Philly for my cousin's wedding, at which I fully expect to hear questions from relatives ranging from "So when are you getting married?" to "Do you have a girlfriend?" to "Want me to hook you up?" Hm... sounds just like the last family wedding I went to... and the one before that.... I should probably find my suit and tie.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if I spontaneously took a road trip somewhere -- somewhere I haven't been, or haven't been to in a while. Maybe I'll go to Barbados. Hm... gonna need a passport.... I should at least get out of the city. Tubing? Hiking? Vegas! ;-) I wish I had a friend in New York City. I'd like to go back there. I liked Manhattan and Queens and upstate when I was there about 10 years ago. I'm curious how the atmosphere and ambience has changed since then. Besides, they have good Chinese food.

Hm... maybe I can get a crew together to take a day trip down to the Chinatown in the next city over. I grew up (literally) on the Chinese food there. It's my comfort food. Mmm... Chinese food.... I'm getting hungry already.

Thursday, June 16, 2005
_Computer Sentience

My theory is that all computer cables are actually living beings, disguised as transporters of electrical impulses, and their only goal in life is to get together with other computer cables and tangle themselves up in each other in an effort to annoy us. They are neither predators, nor prey. They have no "natural" sentience or thought processes. They are biologically programmed to manoeuver themselves in such a way that attempting to separate them results in a tangled mass that is not unlike a Chinese finger puzzle.

With all this talk about artificial intellegence, neural networks, and machine learning, I think a huge trove of knowledge lies within the fauna under our desks. By studying their movements and behaviours, perhaps we can gain some significant insight into how to truly acheive machine sentience.

Maybe I can get a government grant to study this....

Thursday, June 02, 2005
_Slow March to the Grave

It's June. It's already June. My birthday is in less than two weeks. I'm definitely not looking forward to turning 27. This year is pivotal because I'm moving from "mid-20s" to "late-20s". Then 30 is just around the corner, then 40, then 60, then 90, then it's time to go! Ack!

I just hope I don't forget this year like I did last year. I'd hate to have "late-20s" sneak up on me and whack me on the back of my head like it almost did last year. I woke up the morning of my birthday last year, a Saturday, and the phone rang. One of my best friends was on the other end. The conversation went something like this:

Him: "Hey, whatcha doin' today?"
Me: "Uh... ... ... I'm not workin' today so I don't have anything planned."
Him: "We wanna take you out to lunch."
Me: "Huh?"
Him: "You know, for your birthday."
Me: "Wha?"
Him: "Today's your birthday. We wanna take you out to lunch for your birthday."
Me: "... ... ... ... ... Aw crap...!"

Though I must say the resulting salmon tacos were well worth the shock of suddenly turning 26.

UPDATE: 2005 Jun 12, 21:44: I'm freaking old! I'm still a genius, but now I'm an old genius.