Friday, March 18, 2005
_Spring Break

Everyone keeps talking about this thing called "Spring Break". This is a foreign concept to me, kind of like "High Morale" and "Job Satisfaction".

It's a really nice day down here where I am. The sun is shining, the wind is blowing, the boss is on vacation, half of my building is on vacation. As they say, "When the cat's away, the mice will play."

So I'll be cutting work a bit early. OK, maybe a lot early. I'm certainly not getting anything done just sitting here wishing I were outside, so I might as well just go be outside. I think I hear the buggy field calling me. It's saying, "Look! The wind's blowing, the field's empty.... You know you want to.... All the cool people are doing it...." I'm cool, right? I'd certainly be a fool if I didn't go.... It's not like I really care about my job anyway. I don't have anything that can't wait till Monday.