Thursday, February 17, 2005
_On Cluefulness, or Lack Thereof

Every now and then, I just want to reply to someone, "I don't speak English." It's easier for everyone if I just don't speak English. Maybe I'll start answering e-mails in Norwegian....

Here's the deal. This week, I was waiting for a clue from someone who doesn't have any. Then I had to deal with someone who thought he had all the clues but really only had some. When I finally got a clue from the first guy, it wasn't even the right clue that I needed. I'll be the first to admit that I don't have a clue what's going one, and that's why I was asking for them. But when I actually had a clue, it was right.

The problem with cluelessness is that the method for imparting clues is messy and often illegal (criminal mischief, at least; more usually assault and battery, or assault with a clueful weapon). Besides, I'd have to go all the way to the East Coast in order to impart clues upon the people who really need them. And all the people who used to have all the clues are gone now and didn't have a chance to transfer them to those of us who are without clues. So all those useful clues are lost. One of those clueful people is sort of around, but she gets bombarded with questions from the clueless (myself included), though I felt better when she said I wasn't even coming close to the level of cluelessness she's seen from everyone else. Then there are the clueless people in charge of things. Some of them have clues, but when morale is wholly displaced by apathy, cluefulness ceaes to matter (like the points on Whose Line is it Anyway?), and you know things are going south.