Monday, February 28, 2005
_I'm Sad to See You Go...

This morning, one of my most best-est friends got on a plane bound for the other side of the planet. She's going to a far-off land for a long time to do noble work. Actually, it's really not that long of a time, but it sure feels like it.

I've known her for almost 12 years now. We went to high school and college together. We laboured through high school marching band and college calculus, went to kite festivals, all kinds of parties, attended marriages, experienced births and deaths, the whole gamut of life experiences. Many other friends have come and gone, but she is one of the few that lasted, and she is one of the few that I would rather give my life than lose her.

I wish everyone would have an opportunity to have such an amazing friend. I'm sure the people she meets in her new home will be so thoroughly blessed to know her. I consider them to be among the luckiest people on the planet.

Safe journey, Friend. Come back to me in one piece. Call me when you're in town, and I'll be sure to do the same.