Saturday, December 18, 2004
_Wireless Toast

No, it's not a new concoction that I'm cooking up. Though it would be interesting to consider that it might look like. I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.

Actually, my wireless access point at home is toast. I think it might end up a prime candidate for the Dead Equipment Disposal Protocol, i.e. the "Beat It With a Large Sledgehammer Until It Gives Up Its Spirit" Procedure. Maybe I should ask for a new access point for Christmas....

The thing is, I tried upgrading the firmware, but it won't take it. Maybe I have to connect to it via a cross-over Ethernet cable, rather than through the switch. If I can find my cross-over, then I'll try that next. Otherwise, I may be shopping for a new access point before long.

I'm hungry. I haven't eaten anything yet all day. I've been messing with this stupid piece-of-crap access point.